Aggregated Wind Park Models for Analyzing Power System Dynamics

Fixed speed and variable speed wind generator models for power system dynamics and transient stability analysis were presented. The models are valid for the simulation of system faults and power fluctuations resulting from wind-turbulence. For estimating wind-turbulence in wind farms a stochastic turbulence model was presented considering rotational sampling. tower shadow and coherence between different wind-turbines in a wind farm. For dynamic power system analysis of large wind farms. aggregated wind farm models were derived that present the electrical wind-farm response by one equivalent generator model. For the mechanical side consisting of shaft. turbine and pitch controller. aggregation is only valid for short-term stability simulations. and if mechanical speed variations are not a concern. As a conclusion. models combining an aggregated electrical system with a non-aggregated mechanical system are the most appropriate approach to wind farm models for dynamic simulations of interactions between power systems and wind farms. These models provide high accuracy in many applications like transient and dynamic stability simulation. and they are very efficient with regard to calculation time.

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