Reactive Power Injection Strategies for Single-Phase Photovoltaic Systems Considering Grid Requirements

In this paper. reactive power injection strategies for singlephase PV systems considering grid requirements have been explored. The proposed reactive power injection strategies include constant average active power control. constant active current control. constant peak current control. and thermal optimized reactive power control strategy. which is dedicated to improve the reliability during LVRT operation and to avoid catastrophic failures. All the discussed control strategies are in compliance with the grid codes currently defined for medium-voltage applications. The proposed reactive power control strategies have also been tested either by simulations or by experiments. The results show the effectiveness of the reactive power injection strategies to support the grid voltage during LVRT operation with different objectives. e.g.. maximum output power (constant average active power control).

Design constraints for those strategies have also been studied in this paper. and a benchmarking of the proposed strategies has been provided. It offers a feasible way to select appropriate power devices for the new PV inverters with the specific control strategy proposed in this paper. As the future grid demands will be more stringent and the reactive power injection function is one of them. the PV systems serving even low-voltage grids have to comply with those requirements in both normal operation mode and under grid faults. The proposed control strategies can be implemented in those PV systems with the provided design guidelines. Hence. the control strategies can further accelerate the pace of advanced PV inverter development

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