Scotland Passes Legislation for Net Zero Goal by 2045

Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) have voted in favour of the Scottish Government’s ambition for net zero emissions by 2045.

The Climate Change Bill was passed by 113 votes to 0 at Holywood yesterday. with MSPs also agreeing to a 75% emissions reduction goal by 2030 – believed to be the toughest statutory target of any country in the world.

Scotland’s legally binding net zero goal. which means any remaining emissions would have to be offset with various measures including planting of trees. is five years ahead of the date set by the UK Government.

Scottish Climate Change Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said: Our new Climate Change Bill demonstrates what international leadership on climate action means. Not only are we setting legally binding targets to reduce emissions to net zero in direct response to the Paris Agreement. we are also putting in place the most stringent framework of statutory targets of any country in the world.

No one should be in any doubt of the Scottish Government’s commitment to use every policy lever at our disposal to rise to this challenge.

Our end target is firmly based on what we are told is the limit of what can currently be achieved. It is the maximum possible ambition based upon the best available science and requires the UK to take action to meet their targets is Scotland is to meet ours. In the interim. while  there is some uncertainty over the precise route that can be taken. we believe it is right to be as ambitious as possible to drive the action required to make the changes we need.

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