Almost Half UK’s Electricity Generation was from Renewables in the First Quarter

Almost half of the UK’s electricity generation between January and March 2020 came from renewables.

Official data released by BEIS says this broke the previous record for quarterly renewable generation by nearly 25% and is the largest increase in year on year quarterly generation.

The large increase in generation is due both to increased capacity and the weather conditions.

Offshore wind had the largest share of renewable generation with 32.4%, followed by 31.4% from onshore wind, 25.5% from bioenergy, 6.0% from hydro and 4.7% from solar PV.

Wind generation increased significantly for both offshore with a 53% increase and onshore with 29%, in the first three months of the year.

The increase in generation for offshore wind was partly due to an increase in capacity, which was up by 19% compared to the same quarter last year.

In addition, both offshore and onshore generation increased due to high winds speeds, with February seeing the highest average wind speed of any month since 2000.

Quarterly renewables share has never previously exceeded 40% of total electricity generation.

About Sheida Bahramirad

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