Iran, Azerbaijan Discuss Trade Ties Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

Iranian President’s Chief of Staff Mahmoud Vaezi and Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev discussed the challenges facing bilateral trades amid the outbreak of the news coronavirus.

In a telephone conversation on Friday, the officials conferred on the negative impacts of the outbreak of the new virus on Iran-Azerbaijan trade ties and exchanged views on ways to tackle the issue.

The pandemic outbreak has disrupted the Iran-Azerbaijan trade cooperation as the transit of goods between the two countries via railroads, roads and sea routes has temporarily been halted based on cautionary measures.

In another phone conversation, Vaezi discussed similar issues with Turkey’s Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan.

During the talk, they expressed resolve to tackle the problems of the hundreds of trucks that have been stopped at their borders. They promised to provide grounds for vehicles carrying perishable products to continue their trips within two days to help continue the transit process within the framework of the Health Protocol.

About Sheida Bahramirad

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