Nearly 70% of Britons Consider Climate Change as Serious as Coronavirus

Two-thirds of Britons believe climate change is as serious a crisis as Covid-19.

Across 14 countries, 71% of people said climate change and coronavirus demand similar levels of action to be taken, according to the latest poll conducted by Ipsos.

Respondents from China were the most likely to believe that in the long-term climate change is as serious as Covid-19 at 87%, while Americans and Australians recorded the lowest rate of agreement at 59%.

Globally, 65% agreed it is important that climate change is prioritised in the economic recovery after coronavirus – 81% of the citizens in India and 80% of people from Mexico and China are strongly in favour of a green economic recovery, while in the UK this is lower at 58%.

The poll also suggests both the world and the UK are split on whether or not the government should take actions which might harm the environment to help the economy recover.

Globally, 44% are in favour and 48% disagree, with Britons split 46% agreeing and 43% disagreeing, meaning the majority tends to believe that the government should help the economy recover, even if that’s at the potential expense of the environment.

About Sheida Bahramirad

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