Sarisu Trans-Boundary Market New Iran-Turkey Trade Gateway

Spokesman of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) Rouhollah Latifi, on Tuesday, announced Sarisu trans-boundary market as new gateway for imports of goods from Turkey to Iran.

The official explained that since due to the outbreak of Covid-19, commutes of trucks through Iran-Turkey Bazargan border have been halted, the new gate way is to retaliate.

According to him, Sarisu was previously used only for imports of medical equipment to Iran, but as of this weekend it can act as a gateway for imports of all types of goods.

Some 15 trucks can daily commute at Sarisu trans-boundary market, presently, he said.

Iran-Turkey are also enjoying trade via railway, he added.

Under the outbreak of the coronavirus, Turkey closed its borders as of Feb. 22 and some 420 Turkish trucks that had been stopped in Iran’s Bazargan border returned home in late March.

Since Bazargan Border is located en route Silk Road and more than 45 countries in the world transit their goods and products via this route.

Turkey even refused to accept its nationals who were travelling as passenger but after setting up a field hospital with the capacity of 60 persons in zero-border point, this country admitted its nationals.

About Sheida Bahramirad

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