SINN Power Launches World’s-First Floating Hybrid Renewable Energy Platform

SINN Power has developed what it claims is the world-first floating hybrid renewable energy platform.

The firm says the platform allows regions in harsh maritime environments to access affordable clean power generated from wind, solar and tidal energy – it is now looking for solar manufacturers to cooperate for a showcase of the technology near the port city of Iraklio, Greece.

Able to withstand waves up to six metres high, the platform aims to become a complete offshore and off-grid energy solution.

Philipp Sinn, CEO of SINN Power, said: Modularity has been a key aspect since we started developing maritime technologies which allows flexibility and a wide variety of applications.

The floating platform can supply renewable energy to island resorts in the Caribbean and contribute to the worldwide implementation of offshore wind farms. SINN Power is the first to offer a customisable energy solution using waves, small wind and photovoltaics according to climatic conditions of any location and at competitive prices compared to other proven technologies.

About Sheida Bahramirad

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