Kazakh Energy Ministry increased the cost of Russian oil transit to China to $11.36 per ton (excluding VAT) for 2017-2018. Kazakh oil transporting company KazTransOil said in a message. Since 2014 Russia has been paying $9.8 per transit of one ton of oil to China via Kazakhstan.
Russia is allowed to pump up to 10 million tons of oil per year within the approved order. The tariff for Russian oil transportation through Kazakhstan includes $3.11 per ton for pumping by Russian-Kazakh border in Priirtyshsk – Atasu section. including oil transshipment through Atasu oil pumping station. and $8.25 per ton for oil transportation by Atasu – Alashankou section.
Kazakh KazTransOil and Russian Rosneft had an agreement on transit of up to 7 million tons of Russian oil per year to China through Kazakhstan since January 1. 2014. In December 2016 the companies signed a supplementary agreement which envisages increase of Russian oil transit to 10 million tons per year.