Putin: Russia Becomes World’s Largest LNG Producer

The pace of constructing the LNG plant in the Arctic port of Sabetta comes as a nice surprise and it will enable Russia to turn into the world’s largest producer of liquefied natural gas. President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.
If we continue working this way and at the same pace. which is even somewhat surprising for me. frankly speaking. then Russia will be. not just capable. but will undoubtedly become the world’s largest producer of liquefied natural gas. the president said at a videoconference on the occasion of the first call of an LNG carrier to Sabetta port.
We have all grounds to believe so. to think so. and to deliver such a result. the head of state said.
The LNG plant is expected to be up and running according to schedule and reach the design capacity. Putin added.
The vessel arriving at the port today was named after our late great friend. French businessman and ex-head of Total Christophe de Margerie. the Russian president said. This is highly symbolic. it will consolidate our relations even on such a spiritual level. he added.
The Arc7 class LNG carrier called at the port of Sabetta earlier today and made a test mooring at service berths.

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