Trump Aims for Warsaw

According to the latest Reuters report. US President Donald Trump plans to promote US natural gas exports at a meeting next week in Warsaw with a dozen leaders from central and eastern Europe. a region heavily reliant on Russian supplies.

On his way to the G20 summit in Germany. Trump is slated to speak in Poland – which received its first shipment of US LNG this month – to a group of leaders eager to reduce their dependence on Moscow for energy.

Moscow cut off gas shipments during pricing disputes in 2006 and 2009. causing shortages during winter months in Ukraine and many other European nations.

The US has looked at boosting its LNG exports for years. since drilling advances vastly expanded its domestic supplies.

The Trump administration sees growth in LNG exports as a way to reduce trade deficits with other nations and expand the economy.

The White House does not have projections for how quickly exports could ramp up. noting those decisions will be driven by market conditions and made by independent producers and exporters rather than the government.

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