Uzbekistan and Iran considered transit cargo transportation. as the Uzbek Foreign Trade Ministry hosted a meeting with Deputy Minister of Industry. Mines and Trade of Iran Mojtaba Khosrotaj.
The sides mulled the current state and prospects of trade and economic cooperation. as well as further cooperation in the field of transport and transit cargo transportation.
In addition. the parties agreed to organize a regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade-Economic and Transport-Communication Cooperation in the first half of 2018 in Tehran.
In October. the Uzbek-Iranian business forum was held in Tehran. Then the parties inked trade agreements worth over $ 25 million.
In addition. the parties signed a protocol of intentions for $7.5 million.
Also. Uzbek Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov and his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif signed the Cooperation Program for 2018-2019.