China’s Three Gorges Project Soar Power Generation in 2017

The China Three Gorges Project Corporation (CTGPC) confirmed on Thursday that the power plant generated 97.6 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2017. up 4.35 percent year on year.

According to a report by China Power. a Chinese power industry news portal. all the units at the Three Gorges power station operated under good conditions throughout the year. By taking a series of improvement measures. including carrying out multi-reservoir joint operations and the joint optimisation scheduling of reservoir releases during flooding. the power station produced an extra of 5.36 billion kilowatt-hours of power last year.

Launched in 1993. the Three Gorges project is a multifunctional hydroelectric facility near Yichang in central China’s Hubei Province. which was built to tame the unruly Yangtze River and fuel China’s economic development using clean and cheap energy. Its other functions include flood control and shipping.

In December 2017. the CTGPC announced that it had invested 1bn yuan (US$151m) in the world`s biggest floating solar power plant in the eastern province of Anhui. Part of the plant. a 150-megawatt project. has already been connected to the grid.

According to the company. when the project is complete the plant will generate 150 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a year – the equivalent of burning 53.000 tonnes of coal. This will prevent the emission of 199.500 tonnes of carbon dioxide.


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