Nordic Firms Press EU over 35% Renewable Energy Target

Eighteen Nordic companies pressed EU energy ministers yesterday in a letter in an attempt to get the politicians to back 35% renewable energy target by 2030.

Orsted. Vestas Wind Systems and Ikea penned an open letter to the EU urging it to be “ambitious“ in terms of energy efficiency and climate neutrality. seeking a climate goal of 2050.

The letter has been forwarded to EU energy ministers ahead of the Clean Energy Ministerial summit to be held in Malmo and Copenhagen at the end of May.

The letter said: “We believe that the adoption of a strong Clean Energy Package with a high level of ambition of the energy efficiency directive. renewable energy directive and governance regulation. is crucial for greenhouse gas emission reductions.

“Ambitious climate and clean energy targets also drive economic development with increased competitiveness. job creation and improved health as well as lower dependency on energy imports.“


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