Europe. A Valued Partner for Qatar Oil and Gas Sector

Heads of mission of 17 European Union member countries visited Qatar Petroleum on Monday for a meeting with its president and CEO Saad Sherida al-Kaabi and talks on enhancing cooperation in the field of energy. The meeting also included a review of EU-Qatar relations and energy developments in the region.

Al-Kaabi welcomed the EU Heads of Mission and presented a historic overview of the strong relations that has bound Qatar with various EU member countries. He also highlighted the important work of European companies in all aspects of Qatar’s oil and gas industry.

Al-Kaabi said. “We are proud of the important and valuable relations with the member countries of the European Union. Europe is a valued partner for Qatar and particularly in Qatar’s oil and gas sector. and we want to enhance that.`

Discussions during the meeting covered a number of issues related to the local. regional and international developments related to the oil and gas industry.

 Speaking at the meeting. a number of EU ambassadors applauded Qatar’s role in contributing to the security of energy supplies. be it for Europe or for the international markets. 

The visiting delegation comprised the heads of mission of Austria (the local EU presidency in Qatar). Belgium. Bulgaria. Croatia. Cyprus. France. Germany. Greece. Hungary. Italy. the Netherlands. Poland. Romania. Spain. Sweden. and the United Kingdom. in addition to a representative of the European Commission.

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