Potential of solar energy in developing countries for reducing energy-related emissions

The role of energy is vital to human well-being and it is also crucial for economic development and energy fosters economic growth. Access to sufficient energy resources is a serious global concern. particularly in developing countries that do not have access to a secure supply of energy. Worldwide primary energy demand is expected to rise by approximately 1.5–3 times by 2050 because of increasing energy demand in various regions of the world [6]. Demand for energy is increasing sharply in the developing countries as a result of rapid population growth. particularly in the continents of Africa and Asia and rapid economic development. particularly in China and India. Population growth and rising the living standard of people are the key drivers behind increasing demand for energy. It is estimated that global population will continue to increase by more than one billion persons and reach to 8.5 billion by 2030. 9.7 billion by 2050 and also increase to approximately 11.2 billion persons by 2100. World’s population is rising by 1.18% annually or almost an extra 83 million persons every year. The highest growth rates of population belong to Africa. with 2.55%. while all these communities require modern energy services in order to meet their basic needs such as lighting. cooking. space comfort. mobility. communication and to assist productive processes

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