Influence of made with renewable energy appeal on consumer behaviour

In a recent survey on sustainable brands. 91 per cent of consumers indicated that companies should become more involved in addressing social and environmental issues rather than making profits only (Sustainable Brands. 2015). Consumers display an increasingly detailed knowledge of renewable-energy-related terms such as carbon footprint. renewable power and carbon offset (Polonsky et al.. 2011). These trends present companies with more opportunities to employ an array of green marketing strategies (Aagerup and Nilsson. 2016). The provision of environmentally sustainable “green“ products has up. until now. been the response to consumer concerns about the environment from marketing oriented companies. Typically. these are brand made from recycled material or able to be recycled. Yet. at a time where the depletion of finite energy resources is so important to the community. this kind of marketing has never been more ineffectual at helping to solve the problem. This is because the green credentialing of products has become a catchall for so many products that it has lost its meaning as a unique benefit to consumers. a phenomenon known as greenwashing. Thus. it should be no surprise that most consumers do not purchase green products even though the large majority express a high level of environmental concern (Bray et al.. 2011). What is more. too many companies attempt to make misleading and pseudo green or renewable energy marketing claims to benefit from being perceived as green (Capital Flows. 2012).

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