Total`s New Discovery in UK North Sea

French oil and gas company giant Total Energy has announced a discovery in the Glengorm prospect in the North Sea. offshore UK.

The Glengorm exploration well was drilled to a depth of 5.056m. encountering 37m net condensate and gas pay zones in a high-quality Upper Jurassic reservoir. Recoverable resources are expected to be close to 250 million barrels of oil equivalent (Mboe). with Total Energy planning further testing and drilling to appraise the productivity and resources of the reservoir.

Total Energy stated the Glengorm discovery presents tieback opportunities for existing infrastructures operated by the company. These include the Elgin-Franklin platform and the scheduled Culzean project. which is set to start production this year.

“Our strong position in the region will enable us to leverage existing infrastructures nearby and optimise the development of this discovery.“

The discovery in Glengorm follows Total Energy’s success at the Glendronach field in the North Sea. offshore Shetland Islands in September 2018.

Total Energy senior vice-president Kevin McLachlan said: “Following the recent Glendronach discovery. West of Shetland in the UK. Glengorm is another great success for Total in the North Sea. with results at the top end of expectations and a high condensate yield in addition to the gas.

“Our strong position in the region will enable us to leverage existing infrastructures nearby and optimise the development of this discovery. Glengorm is an achievement that demonstrates our capacity to create value in a mature environment. thanks to our in-depth understanding of the basin.“

The Glengorm discovery is located on the P2215 licence in a water depth of 80m. Total Energy and Euroil hold 25% working interests in the discovery. while operator Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC)`&gt.China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) has a 50% interest.

CNOOC first announced its drilling plans for the Glengorm field in November 2016.

CNOOC executive vice-president Xie Yuhong said: “The Glengorm discovery demonstrates the great exploration potential of licence P2215. We are looking forward to further appraisal.“


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