Iran Enjoying Sanctions-Busting Economic Plans

There are some measures being undertaken which will open new doors to our economy. Although these moves are at their early stages of development. the important point is that the project has kicked off. Pour Ebrahimi said today. recounting the country’s plans for easing the US’ pressures.

Iran’s initiative has made Europeans flounder for finding an economic solution. and it will open new economic opportunities to Iran. he underscored.

The senior legislator highlighted that the judgement of the international community is now tipping toward Iran. adding that. however. the Islamic Republic of Iran will never compromise over its national interests with any country.

Washington has reached the conclusion that its economic war against Tehran is no longer effective. and that is why they have started discussing the military option which again they have found ineffective. Naqavi Hosseini added. saying that that’s why now the White House is proposing direct economic talks.

The Americans are after cutting all economic ties of Tehran with the rest of the world. the legislator said. adding that. however. the recently ratified bill of the Iranian parliament for a joint free-trade agreement between Iran and the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member states disappointed Washington.

On Wednesday. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that his country is mulling oil-free financial policies to counter Washington`s economic sanctions that constitute a case of terrorism.

`They have opened economic war on our nation and we are also facing the Americans` propaganda and attempts to spread hatred.` Zarif said in a meeting with his Japanese counterpart Taro Kono in Tehran. before the landmark visit by Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo to Iran later in the day.

He referred to the US administration`s economic terrorism against Iran. and said. `We will find ways for the welfare and comfort of our nation in these hard conditions. including revising the budget and financial policies to make them oil-free.`

Taro. for his part. described Iran as an important regional country. and said. `We believe that less tensions in the region will serve the interests of everyone. otherwise all of us will be harmed.`

He underlined Japan`s preparedness to deescalate tensions in the region. alluding to earlier reports of his country`s efforts to mediate between Iran and the US.

Earlier on Wednesday. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani underlined the strong conditions in his country. saying that the US intensified sanctions pressures on Tehran would deplete soon.

Addressing a cabinet meeting here in Tehran on Wednesday. the Iranian president said the US sanctions are at their peak and their efficiency would lower gradually.

`The Iranian nation should know that the US pressure against our country is at the peak. and practically. its capacity is ending and the sanctions and pressures will lose their capacity from now on and will deplete.` Rouhani said.

He described the US sanctions as unprecedented and incomparable with the past embargoes against Iran. and said. `No doubt what the US has done against the Iranian nation is one of the instances of economic terrorism.`

President Rouhani hailed the Iranian nation`s resistance. and said. We can go through problems with unity and sympathy and force the ill-wishers to sit to the table of logic. negotiation and justice.

He added that the Americans have recently modified their tone and decreased their irrational words. and noted. `Undoubtedly. they will return again from the wrong path they are paving and will understand that their path is not right.`There are some measures being undertaken which will open new doors to our economy. Although these moves are at their early stages of development. the important point is that the project has kicked off.“ Pour Ebrahimi said today. recounting the country’s plans for easing the US’ pressures.

Iran’s initiative has made Europeans flounder for finding an economic solution. and it will open new economic opportunities to Iran.“ he underscored.

The senior legislator highlighted that the judgement of the international community is now tipping toward Iran. adding that. however. the Islamic Republic of Iran will never compromise over its national interests with any country.

Washington has reached the conclusion that its economic war against Tehran is no longer effective. and that is why they have started discussing the military option which again they have found ineffective. Naqavi Hosseini added. saying that that’s why now the White House is proposing direct economic talks.

The Americans are after cutting all economic ties of Tehran with the rest of the world. the legislator said. adding that. however. the recently ratified bill of the Iranian parliament for a joint free-trade agreement between Iran and the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member states disappointed Washington.

On Wednesday. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that his country is mulling oil-free financial policies to counter Washington`s economic sanctions that constitute a case of terrorism.

`They have opened economic war on our nation and we are also facing the Americans` propaganda and attempts to spread hatred.` Zarif said in a meeting with his Japanese counterpart Taro Kono in Tehran. before the landmark visit by Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo to Iran later in the day.

He referred to the US administration`s economic terrorism against Iran. and said. We will find ways for the welfare and comfort of our nation in these hard conditions. including revising the budget and financial policies to make them oil-free.

Taro. for his part. described Iran as an important regional country. and said. We believe that less tensions in the region will serve the interests of everyone. otherwise all of us will be harmed.

He underlined Japan`s preparedness to deescalate tensions in the region. alluding to earlier reports of his country`s efforts to mediate between Iran and the US.

Earlier on Wednesday. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani underlined the strong conditions in his country. saying that the US intensified sanctions pressures on Tehran would deplete soon.

Addressing a cabinet meeting here in Tehran on Wednesday. the Iranian president said the US sanctions are at their peak and their efficiency would lower gradually.

The Iranian nation should know that the US pressure against our country is at the peak. and practically. its capacity is ending and the sanctions and pressures will lose their capacity from now on and will deplete. Rouhani said.

He described the US sanctions as unprecedented and incomparable with the past embargoes against Iran. and said. No doubt what the US has done against the Iranian nation is one of the instances of economic terrorism.

President Rouhani hailed the Iranian nation`s resistance. and said. We can go through problems with unity and sympathy and force the ill-wishers to sit to the table of logic. negotiation and justice.

He added that the Americans have recently modified their tone and decreased their irrational words. and noted. Undoubtedly. they will return again from the wrong path they are paving and will understand that their path is not right.

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