Iran Unveils 7 New Knowledge-Based Products

Iran on Wednesday unveiled 7 new home-made knowledge-based products in a ceremony participated by Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari and Health Minister Saeed Namaki.

`Today. I am pleased that we have unveiled 7 new knowledge-based products.` Namaki told reporters in Tehran today.

`Fortunately. our scientists think of progress under the hard conditions of sanctions.` he added. noting that the embargos have led the knowledge-based companies produce medicine and raw materials to manufacture drugs.

Iran had also on Tuesday unveiled 9 new indigenized medicine to treat depression. skin. blood and infertility problems as well as cancer.

The drugs were unveiled in a ceremony participated by Namaki in Alborz province near Tehran.

They include hi-tech drugs to treat depression. male infertility. blood platelet adhesion. skin infections. skin diseases. advanced breast cancer. lung cancer and motor neuron diseases. and a medicine to stretch bone marrow tissue.

All the drugs have been produced based on the highest international standards using state-of-the-art technologies.

Iran has taken long strides in producing different types of drugs and medical equipment.

Also. last month. Sattari attended a ceremony to unveil 4 home-produced drugs for cancer and diabetes treatment.

Four Iranian-produced drugs for cancer and diabetes treatment. including Regorafenib and Sorafenib. were unveiled during a ceremony this morning at Eshtehard Industrial Town in Alborz Province.

The anti-cancer drugs included the highly important and expensive Regorafenib and Sorafenib. while Empagliflozin and Dapagliflozin were unveiled for the treatment of diabetic patients.

Regorafenib. under the trade name chemotherapy drug Stivarga. was first developed by Germany in 2012 for treatment of colorectal cancer. gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). and liver cancer.

Iranian researchers managed to obtain the highly complex know-how for the production of this pricey drug after seven years of relentless research and experiment. A 28-tablet pack of Regorafenib costs $5.870 on the global market. The Iranian version is sold at only 5% of the value of the German product.

Sorafenib. known by its brand name Nexavar. is used to treat kidney. liver. and thyroid cancer. The product was produced only by Germany and the US until now. The Iranian version of the product is sold at less than one-tenth of its price on the global market. which is as high as $4.880.

Empagliflozin. sold under the trade name Jardiance. is used to treat type 2 diabetes. Iran is now the third producer of the medication. after Germany and the US.

Dapagliflozin. sold under the brand name Farxiga. is also used to treat type 2 diabetes. Iran managed to obtain the technology to produce the medication after the UK.

It is predicted that the two Iranian anti-cancer drugs would potentially generate $1 billion worth of revenues for the country.


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