Iran Ranks 1st in Mideast in Production of Science

Scimago Institutions Rankings. a science evaluation source to assess worldwide universities and research-focused institutions. has released the data of the Middle-Eastern countries` ranking in 2018.

Based on the report. Iran stood atop the Middle-Eastern states in production of science with 60.268 documents. 54.915 citable documents and 42.636 citations in international papers.

The report added that Iran has outpaced Turkey. Saudi Arabia. Israel (Occupied Palestine). Egypt. Iraq. the UAE and Jordan in production of science in the Middle-East in 2018.

Iran has made rapid progress in developing different branches of science in recent years.

Earlier this month. Iranian Vice-President for Scientific and Technological Affairs Sorena Sattari underlined that his country had made huge progress in developing its scientific power.

`Perhaps. Iran is identified with its oil and gas resources but in recent years. three important scientific waves started in the country. including a scientific wave at universities. setting up knowledge-based companies and development of these companies.` Sattari said.

He termed Iran’s scientific growth as ‘outstanding and significant’. and added. “Iran has a fast-paced scientific development and growth both in regional and international levels in a way that the country is ranked 15th in the world in terms of production of science.“

Emerging and newly-fledgling companies in Iran have been turned into competent and able companies. Sattari said. adding. `Innovation and accelerator centers are on the verge of considerable growth in socioeconomic terms.`

The country is home to more than 4.000 knowledge-based companies. offering quality scientific services to industrial and production units. he reiterated.

Sattari urged government officials to take effective steps for protecting rights of consumers and training the most experienced and competent manpower within the framework of rules and regulations.

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