Green Measures to Heal NHS Trust’s Energy Costs by £800k a Year

The Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust hopes to reduce its energy costs by £800.000 a year following the installation of sustainable measures.

It is working with Centrica Business Solutions to install rooftop solar panels at Wonford and Heavitree Hospitals and Mardon Neuro-Rehabilitation Centre in Exeter and a 1.5MW combined heat and power (CHP) unit at Wonford Hospital.

LED lighting is also being installed at Wonford and Heavitree Hospitals. in addition to improving air conditioning systems while Mardon Neuro-Rehabilitation Centre will see savings through new energy efficient boilers.

The projects are expected to reduce carbon emissions by more than 2.200 tonnes a year – the equivalent of taking 1.450 cars off the road.

They are part of a £7 million programme aimed at reducing its energy costs as well as its carbon footprint.

Robert Steele. the Trust’s Deputy Director of Strategic Capital Planning said: As a major hospital providing round-the-clock services. we consume large amounts of energy so we’re committed to a range of measures to help us continually improve energy efficiency.

This initiative with Centrica is a major part of our approach to reduce the amount of money we spend on energy and utilities. releasing more funds to invest in frontline patient care and other vital functions. At the same time. reducing our energy consumption helps reduce our environmental impact.

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