UK’s LPG Could Go 100% Bio-Based by 2040

The UK’s liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) industry has said it hopes to see a 100% transition to bioLPG by 2040.

Trade association Liquid Gas UK. formerly UKLPG. says the shift to versions of the fuel made principally from vegetable oils. glycerol. sugar and waste could deliver a reduction in carbon emissions of up to 90%.

It notes this could help provide a cleaner energy future for the almost two million off-grid homes in the UK. as well as thousands of businesses reliant on off-grid fuel sources. such as mobile caterers. rural manufacturers and farms.

The organisation says standard LPG already produces 33% and 12% less emissions than coal and oil respectively and can be blended with BioLPG to enable a gradual and secure transition to the lower carbon type of the fuel.

It notes bioLPG is chemically indistinct from LPG and can be used with all existing equipment and appliances. making the switch easy and affordable.

George Webb. Chief Executive of Liquid Gas UK. said: “There are millions of homes across the UK that. unless undergoing a major redevelopment. a transition to electrified heating solutions is not affordable. These alternative options are also unlikely to consistently provide the levels of heating demanded by users.

It is important that policy makers recognise a ‘one size fits all’ approach for off-grid energy will not work. Different solutions will be required for different types of buildings across the UK. As part of a mixed technology approach to decarbonisation. bioLPG can support the UK Government and Devolved Administrations to achieve Net Zero.

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