Japanese Firms Team Up to Build Zero-Emission Tanker by 2021

Four Japanese companies have teamed up to build the world’s first zero-emission tanker by mid-2021.

Asahi Tanker Co. Exeno Yamamizu Corporation. Mitsui O.S.K. Lines. and Mitsubishi Corporation say the vessel is to be powered by large-capacity batteries and will operate in Tokyo Bay.

The strategic partnership between the firms aims to provide new low carbon infrastructure services in the shipping industry – it will form a joint venture called ‘e5 Lab’. which will work to develop and promote the greater use of cleaner modes of marine transport.

The firms involved say converting vessels to electric propulsion will help to slash global emissions from the sector.

hey aim to eventually offer an electric-vessel platform to all stakeholders in the marine shipping industry and will work to standardise vessels in a bid to encourage sustainable growth and development within the industry.

The companies also plan to improve working environments. implement sophisticated sensor technologies to improve ship maintenance and management. leverage autonomous sailing technologies and propose new standards regarding the application of next-generation technologies.

Google has set out its hardware and services sustainability commitments. including a target to ensure all its customer shipments are carbon neutral by 2020.

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