Iran Boasts Increased Rural Coverage of Mobile Networks

Azari Jahromi said that a total of 34.090 villages across Iran are currently connected to the country’s mobile phone network. adding that the figure was more than 5 times the total number of villages that had access to mobile phones services before incumbent president Hassan Rouhani took office in August 2013.

Meanwhile. the minister said more than 30.000 villages across Iran were now connected to the country’s national information network. a major success compared to six years ago when the access to the network was introduced to the rural areas for a first time.

“Today. some 30.799 villages. or 78 percent of the villages of the country. are connected to the national information network.“ said Azari Jahromi. adding that linking the 3.825 remaining villages would be accomplished based on schedule.

He said that the expansion of the secure broadband service to villages across Iran had enabled the government to integrate over 19.000 schools and more than 17.000 local health booths through the network while allowing the rural population to enjoy better services in those sectors.

Facing with a sharp decline in rural population over the past decade. Iran has accelerated offering utility services that could improve living standards in villages and revive defunct agricultural projects.

Iran’s minister of energy said on Monday that 99.7 percent of villages across the country had been electrified and around two thirds of them had access to piped water.  

Last month. Iranian Vice-President for Rural Development and Deprived Areas Mohammad Omid said that the country has managed to create 150.000 new jobs in rural areas in the last local calendar year (March 21. 2018- March 20. 2019). which shows a 25% increase in a year-on-year comparison.

Omid. in a meeting with the members of the Employment Working Group of East Azerbaijan Province. on July 14. said the share of employment rate in rural areas in the country overall employment stake has increased by 25%.

According to the figures released by the vice president. in last Iranian year of 1397 (March 21-2018-2019) as much as $ 1.5 billion was invested in rural areas to create jobs. which resulted in adding 150.000 jobs in those areas.

Omid said that rural areas play a significant role in the country`s economy and for this reason. the government has planned to allocate $ 500 million from the National Development Fund annually to employment in rural areas.

Late in January. Iran’s Economy Minister Farhad Dejpasand said the country’s trade balance has improved in a 10-month span between March 21. 2018 and January 21. 2019. boasting that the plots to cut the country’s oil revenues to zero have failed.

Earlier in January. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reassured the nation that Tehran will surpass the US sanctions. adding that Washington will be unable to continue levying sanctions against his country.

Rouhani assured the Iranian nation that Iran is the party that will eventually emerge victorious from the ongoing campaign of sanctions and pressure that the country has been subjected to by the United States and its allies.

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