Iran Proposes Raising Share of Natural Gas in Global Energy Market to 30 Percent by 2040

Given the growing role of conventional natural gas as a clean fossil fuel in curbing GHG emissions growth. I propose setting an elevated goal of achieving 30 percent share of natural gas in the world energy mix by 2040 to be achieved through various means with emphasis on the power sector. Zangeneh said. addressing the Russian Energy Week panel.

The Iranian oil minister underlined that most forecasts indicate that gas demand will grow at a rate of about 1.5% annually by 2040. and gas will meet one-fourth of the world energy demand due to environmental considerations. and said. `This growth would be largely due to LNG production. To meet the demand. global cooperation is needed in various areas such as investment. technology transfer and development of trade infrastructures.

Zangeneh. meantime. called for depoliticization of oil industry and avoiding politically-motivated meddling in the energy sector.

The Iranian oil minister also pointed to the re-imposition of economic sanctions by US President Donald Trump against Iran`s oil sector. and said. Imposition of unilateral sanctions on Islamic Republic of Iran and its extraterritorial application by President Trump is best described as economic terrorism and is in violation of international laws. it targets ordinary people’s livelihood.

In relevant remarks in September. Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiyee had also downplayed the effects of US sanctions against his country. stressing that Iran had many options for exporting its crude.

Despite the espionage acts by Israel and the US. I clearly declare that we sell our oil as much as we need through planning. Rabiyee said.

He explained that Iran has 15 neighbors and is located in a region with many opportunities. and added. We will be able to sell our oil through different methods and fortunately. there is good progress in advancing oil discoveries and plans.

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