Renewable Energies’ Production Capacity at Twofold Growth

Deputy Minister of Energy for Electricity and Energy Affairs Homayoun Haeri said that production capacity of renewable energies in Iran doubled in the current year as compared to a year earlier.

He made the remarks on Monday in the inaugural ceremony of 4th International Renewable Energies Conference and Exhibition and added. with the studies made. production capacity of renewable energies in the country will hit 1.000-MW by the end of current year (March 20. 2020).

The Ministry of Energy is determined to increase production capacity of renewable energies in the country up to 4.000 megawatts before the termination of the 12th government. he added.

Presently. Islamic Republic of Iran enjoys rich resources of fossil and renewable energies. he said. adding. about 60.000-megawatt wind energy potential has so far been identified in the country.

Elsewhere in his remarks. Haeri revealed the identification of 150.000-megawatt solar energy for the construction of solar energy farms and added. in spite of existence of 82.000-megawatt of hydroelectricity and nuclear power plants. very high potential has been created in the country in using renewable energy.

For his part. Representative of the International Union of Solar Energy Nishakant Ojha said that Islamic Republic of Iran enjoys high capacities and potentials in renewable energies in the regional level.

Given its high capacities in all types of renewable energies. Islamic Republic of Iran can be a good platform for the development of this type of energy. he added.

He went on to say that International Union of Solar Energy is ready to help Iran develop renewable energies.

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