Netherlands Cooperate with Iran in Water Management. Renewable Energies

In a meeting with the Managing Director of Kish Free Zone Organization Gholamhossein Mozafari. Werner pointed to the decision made by Finland. Belgium. Denmark. the Netherlands. Norway and Sweden to join the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX) as an important step for maintaining cooperation between Tehran and Amsterdam.

In its first step. the Netherlands is aiming to start cooperation with Iran in water. agriculture and humanitarian measures and paving the way for other economic activities as well.

Dutch envoy. meantime. assessed the capacities. capabilities. facilities and air transportation of Kish Island as suitable. and said besides water. energy and waste. the Netherlands is interested in reinforcing academic cooperation in academic. making food through greenhouse system.

The mentioned cooperation will be regarded as a new chapter in cooperation with Iran.

Werner noted that the current situation is a good opportunity for doing more research on continuation of cooperation.

Meanwhile. Mozafari pointed to 1.800.000 tourists visiting Kish Island every year. and said Kish is interested in having long-term cooperation with the Netherlands and in hosting Dutch tourists.

Pointing to Kish Island`s visa-free system. he said grounds have been prepared for establishing educational cooperation with Dutch universities.

Mozafari welcomed Werner`s suggestion on maintaining ties with the Kish Island in water. renewable energies. and food. saying Kish Free Zone Organization is willing to have cooperation in the mentioned fields.

He noted that the Netherlands` experiences and knowledge in greenhouse products. taking advantage of water and renewable energies will be advantageous for the Kish Island.

Earlier in a statement the six mentioned European states had announced that in light of the continuous European support for the agreement and the ongoing efforts to implement the economic part of it and to facilitate legitimate trade between Europe and Iran. we are now in the process of becoming shareholders of the INSTEX subject to completion of national procedures.

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