NISOC Displays List of Needed Items for Domestic Manufacturing

The National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC) has provided a list of 7.500 items to be developed by local manufacturers.

According to NISOC. the company offered the list of the items in a compact disc at the 11th Khuzestan Oil Industry Equipment Exhibition and the 17th Drilling Equipment Manufacturing Exhibition.

Manufacturing of the items is decided to be outsourced to Iranian manufacturers active in the petroleum industry.

Moreover. on the sidelines of the exhibition. 11 strategic items which were localized by domestic manufacturers and supported by NISOC were unveiled and put on display.

The 11th Khuzestan Oil Industry Equipment Exhibition and the 17th Drilling Equipment Manufacturing Exhibition is being held with 260 exhibitors at the international fairgrounds of Ahwaz. southwestern Iran. The event will run until December 16. 2019.

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