Subsea Tech and Data Firm Teams Up with US Government to Map Seabed

A subsea technology and data firm has signed an agreement with the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER).

Ocean Infinity will work with government scientists over four years to expand deep-water autonomous technologies and advance the transmission of ocean information in real-time. as well as developing new data-collection and processing methods.

This work aims to provide citizens. planners. emergency managers and other decision-makers with reliable information regarding the seabed – this information is vital for the development of infrastructure such as offshore wind and tidal energy generation.

Currently. only 43% of US underwater territory has been recorded to modern standards – the NOAA has committed to mapping the remainder within the next decade.

Sean Fowler. Ocean Infinity’s Director of Business Development. said: This is an exciting step for Ocean Infinity as we combine our leading deep-water exploration technology with NOAA’s prominent authority in ocean science.

Perhaps greater than technology is the collaboration between leading engineers and scientists to ultimately improve our understanding of earth-ocean systems in remote environments.

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