Non-Oil Exports Boosting Iran’s Incomes

Speaking at a weekly session of the cabinet. Rouhani said the country’s income has increased in light of the rising non-oil exports. adding that a sum of $20 billion in exports has been funneled to the Central Bank of Iran.

He further highlighted the ample opportunities available in Iran for the growth of the tourism industry. saying a number of countries are generating an income from that industry that equals Iran’s annual oil revenues.

Without exports. we cannot have scientific competition and progress. and scientific and technological progress comes with competition and presence in world markets. the president added.

Rouhani also highlighted the significance of the national and public power. saying it is a combination of the cultural. economic. security and political powers that are shaped in parallel with each other.

The enemies’ main concern is not Iran’s economic. military or security power. but they are frightened by the country’s public and cultural power. he stressed.

The economic power is shaped with the political. cultural and security powers. and these are not separable. Rouhani underlined.

His comments came a few days after Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei praised the Iranian people for proving their support for the Islamic Revolution and the Resistance Front by attending Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani’s funeral across the country.

The nation showed its true nature which is resistance against the demons. the Leader said. adding that the only way to continue this dignified path is to make Iran stronger in all fields.

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