NIDC Digs 96 Oil. Gas Wells in 10 Months

National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) dug and completed digging operation of 96 oil and gas wells during the first ten months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21. 2019-January 20. 2020). Shana reported.

According to Mohammad Al-e Khamis. NIDC’s deputy head for drilling operation. the drilled wells consisted of two exploration wells and 35 development appraisal wells as well as 59 workover ones.

As reported. over 132.000 meters of digging has been conducted for the mentioned onshore and offshore wells.

Al-e Khamis further said that the company has managed to complete digging of nine out of the 96 mentioned wells some 89 days sooner than the schedule.

NIDC. a subsidiary of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). undertakes most drilling operations across the country and has drilled 4.489 onshore and offshore oil and gas wells in the past four decades after the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

Holding 70 onshore and offshore drilling rigs as well as equipment and facilities for offering integrated technical and engineering services. the company accounts for a major part of drilling exploration as well as appraisal development wells in the country.


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