National Rail Project Unveiled

The Chancellor of Technology (IUST)`&gt.Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) Jabbar-Ali Zakeri said that national rail was unveiled completely.

Indigenizing all sectors of rail industry. except the rail itself. which had started 15 years ago. was realized completely in the current year.

Speaking in the 1st seminar of rail industries. opportunities. capacities and production boom on Mon.. which was held at the initiative taken by Technology (IUST)`&gt.Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST). he said. safety of transport is a serious issue that should be taken into consideration. If safety of transport is not addressed effectively. road and driving incidents will claim lives of 50 people daily.

The share of rail incidents is very low as compared to the road accidents. he said. adding. rail transport has more safety.

The chancellor pointed to the proper capacities of cargo transport in the country due to Iran’s geographical situation in the world and added. in recent decades. various countries have moved forward construction of high-speed railway.

It is essential that rail corridors and its missing components should be completed in the country. he said. adding. giant steps have been taken in this field.

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