Around 15% of Europe’s Power Now Comes from Wind

Europe installed 15.4GW of new wind energy in 2019 – this provided around 15% of all electricity consumption in Europe last year according to WindEurope’s latest report.

Three quarters of the new capacity was onshore wind. while offshore wind provided the other quarter.

In total. Europe now has 205GW of wind energy.

The UK leads the rest of the world in installing the newest wind farms. followed by Spain. Germany. Sweden and France.

Although Germany has conquered the title of ‘the engine of the wind industry in Europe’. it saw a sharp fall in the number of onshore installations last year when it only installed 1.1GW of onshore wind – its lowest since 2000.

Investment in Europe’s new wind farms reached a total of €19bn (£15.8bn). covering 11.8GW of capacity.

Throughout 2019. wind installations were up 27% compared to 2018 but the rate of installations needs to double to reach the goals set out in the Green Deal.

WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson said: Climate neutrality and the Green Deal require Europe to install over twice as much new wind energy each year as it managed in 2019. And the growth needs to come from both offshore and onshore wind.

That requires a new approach to planning and permitting and continued investment in power grids. The National Energy and Climate Plans for 2030 are crucial here. The EU needs to ensure they’re ambitious and rigorous.

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