EU Energy Committee Calls for Priority Projects to be Aligned with 2050 Climate Goals

The Industry. Research and Energy Committee are calling on the Commission to update its guidelines to select priority energy projects to ensure they are in line with its 2050 climate objectives.

MEPs say the Trans-European Network-Energy (TEN-E) regulation was set up in 2013 before the Paris climate deal was adopted and several developments have since significantly changed the landscape for energy policy.

Under the TEN-E guidelines. the Commission identifies the most important projects of common interest (PCIs) across the EU so they benefit from simplified permits and the right to apply for EU funding from the Connecting Europe Facility.

Most projects are aimed at ensuring undisrupted delivery of electricity and gas to all parts of the EU. by closing cross-border gaps in the network and enhancing local storage capacity.

The Commission is expected to set out proposals for the revision of the TEN-E guidelines later this year.

The Energy Committee is. therefore. urging the Commission to ensure all projects selected for the next PCI list support the EU’s energy and climate commitments for 2030 and 2050 as well as its long term commitment for decarbonisation and energy efficiency.

It is also calling on the Commission to propose transitional guidance before the end of 2020. To be granted PCI status. projects must contribute to keep the energy supply affordable – one of the five dimensions of the Energy Union. with which the projects must be aligned.

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