Iran Among Top 10 in Space Technology

Some 92 countries are engaged in spatial technology as members of World Space Club of which 58 are able to design and build satellite and Iran is among top 10 capable of launching satellite into space.

Secretary of the High Space Council of Iran Saeed Qorbani told Conference of Spatial Industry. Opportunities and Challenges in Shiraz that a copy of Zafar satellite was launched into space but it failed to reach orbit. so it is not a failure. because the speed of the satellite carrier was satisfactory.

Zafar 2 is being designed and telecommunications satellite `Nahid` is ready for launch and Iran is engaged in building a remarkable number of satellites which are considered as breakthrough in terms of technology updating.

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has put on agenda second strategic program to speed up designing and building satellites on agenda. Qorbani said. noting that doors open for the private sector and knowledge-based companies to enter the field.   

Future of the country`s space industry is bright and promising. and all good undertakings in the field will be supported. he said.


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