Iran’s Exports to Iraq Underway

A Presiding Board Member of Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce Seyyed Hamid Hosseini said that Iran’s export of products to neighboring Iraq is underway and relevant problems facing ahead of Iran’s export of products to this country have been resolved in recent days.

He made the remarks in an interview with FNA on Mon. and said. fortunately. Iran’s export problems to neighboring Iraq. caused by the outbreak of coronavirus in Iran. have been settled and business trend between the two countries is ongoing.

Many trucks are transiting at borders of the two countries. he said. adding. even. export trend has been accelerated as compared to a year earlier.

He went on to say that Iran is exporting products [including chemicals. construction materials. metal products and ironware. etc.] to Iraq and there is not any problem ahead of export of Iranians goods to this country. Hosseini emphasized.

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