Siemens Wins Major Iran Order

Germany`s Siemens said it has received a major order for 12 compressor trains for two onshore gas processing plants in Iran.
It said the order volume is in the high double-digit million euro range and that commercial operation is expected by end-2018. Natural Gas World reported. Siemens’ customer is the Hampa Engineering Corporation. the engineering procurement and construction (EPC) contractor for the plants’ operator. Palayesh Parsian Sepehr.
Ten of the twelve trains are for the Mohr gas processing plant. in Fars Province. southern Iran. This is Siemens` first huge oil and gas order since the easing of sanctions in January 2016. said Mohsen Nayebzadeh. CEO of Siemens in Iran.
He said the installations will help the Iranian people develop a sustainable. affordable. and modern electrification system.”

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