An Iranian MP has asked the Oil Ministry to take measures to extract oil from shale resources in south-western Iran.
“Following the studies and notification of Iranian National Oil Company about the proven discovery of shale oil reserves in Qalikouh. Aligoudarz. we call on the Oil Ministry to take all necessary scientific and technical measures to reach the final decision to exploit the oil resources.” said Mohammad Khodabakhshi. an Iranian lawmaker.
“A large volume of high quality oil can be extracted from the shale.” he added. according to a Farsi report by ICANA.
“Due to the decrease in conventional oil resources in the world and the growing demand for energy. many countries are exploiting shale oil resources.”
“The extracted shale oil contains specific. strategic combinations not found in the conventional oil. this highly adds to its value.”
Aligoudarz is a town in western Iranian province Lorestan. adjacent to Isfahan and Khuzestan provinces.