EU. IAEA Reconfirm Iran`s Commitment to JCPOA

The European Union (EU) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reaffirmed that Iran has fulfilled its undertakings under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
In their joint statement. the EU and the IAEA reaffirmed support for the JCPOA based on their respective mandates.
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini will remain in close contact with the IAEA regarding continued implementation of the agreement in her capacity as coordinator of the Joint Commission established under the JCPOA. the statement read.
It added that the EU will provide technical support to the IAEA such as equipment and training.
The deal. officially titled the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. was reached after hard diplomatic work by the Islamic Republic and the six world powers (the US. the UK. France. Russia. China. and Germany).
Under the accord. all nuclear-related sanctions on Iran were terminated. and Iran in return agreed to apply certain limits to its nuclear program and provide enhanced access to international monitors to its nuclear facilities.

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