Iran Stands at 3rd Place in World with Compiling 100 Natl. Nanotechnology Standards

Islamic Republic of Iran stood at the 3rd place in the world with compilation of 100 national standards in the nanotechnology field.

Standard is known as one of the important requirements in the development of technology. so. Iran Nanotechnology Development Headquarters in cooperation with the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI) tried to meet demands of companies. researchers and experts over the past years using compilation of standards in the field of nanotechnology.

Elaheh Eslamipour an expert in Iran Nanotechnology Development Headquarters made the remarks on Wed. and pointed to the compilation of standard over the past years and added. “given the emergence of nanotechnology. compilation of standard is considered as one of the necessities for the development of this technology. Therefore. working on formulation of national standards in the field of nanotechnology has started since 2009.“

Turning to the specifications of compiled standards. Eslamipour added. “the compiled standards either were formulated according to the international standards or have been compiled based on researches and studies.“

Presently. product-based standards are the new approach for compilation of standards. so that these standards are compiled according to the requirement of companies and research community in the country. she stated.

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