1st Iran Heavy Polyethylene Unit to Be Built

A contract was signed between Petrochemical Research and Technology Company (PRTC) and Tabriz Petrochemical Company for building Iran’s first heavy polyethylene plant.

According to the National Petrochemical Company (NPC). the contract concerns granting technical know-how. process design package and basic engineering of heavy polyethylene unit.

Ali Pajouhan. Technology Company`&gt.PRTC CEO. said that the company had been studying the technical know-how of producing heavy-duty polyethylene and its catalysts for more than 1.5 decades. adding Technology Company`&gt.PRTC facilities were prepared to produce industrial-scale catalysts for the project.

He described the possibility of producing MMP polymeric grades as a feature of this technical savvy. and stated: Accordingly. this item is being produced for the first time inside the country.

For his part. Siavash Derafshi. CEO of Tabriz Petrochemical Company. expressed his happiness at producing a fully Iranian polymer product for the first time in the country.

He also hoped that the project would reach fruition in a matter of 4 years.

The plant is to be built with 310.000 tons year of production capacity.

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