Indigenous Energy Production Expected to Rise in Africa

The African continent is shifting focus to indigenous energy production in response to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis and could potentially get a quarter of all its needs from renewables.

The African Union Commission (AUC) and the International Agency Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) are working closely together to advance the continent’s green energy production and simultaneously proliferate energy access to the community.

Africa is home to 600 million people living without access to modern energy services. In contrast, Africa’s potential renewable generation could fulfil a quarter of all energy needs by 2030. It could use locally produced renewable energy to power rural healthcare systems and critical services, like clean water and medical supplies.

Dr Amani Abou-Zeid, Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy at AUC, said The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that energy is critical for all spheres of life and is now proving to be a matter of survival.

The African Union Commission has made major strides to advance energy development in Africa through various programmes and partnerships. It is now even more urgent to fast track energy access efforts on the continent.

It is time to use Africa’s enormous renewable energy resources for the benefit of the African people in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

About Sheida Bahramirad

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