Talks Underway with Iraqi Side to Reopen Mehran Border Amid Pandemic

The Director General of Ilam Customs Office said that talks continue with Iraqi customs officials for reopening Mehran Trade Border.

Rouhollah Gholami made the remarks on Fri. in an interview with IRNA and said that Iran’s envoy to Iraq is seriously pursuing the issue.

Given the spread of coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, and a two-month hiatus of trade activity between Iran and Iraq via this border, he said, presently, necessary health measures have been taken for the resumption of trade activity in this border.

Considering the strategic importance of Mehran Border Terminal, talks are underway with Iraqi customs officials for reopening this border crossing continuously, he reiterated.

Mehran Border Crossing was one of the first borders that trade activity between Iran and Iraq via this border halted after the spread of coronavirus pandemic, he added.

About Sheida Bahramirad

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