Russia Opens 1.9GW Wind Tender

Russia has fired the starting gun on a 1.9GW wind power tender that`s at least expected to attract the interest of Finnish developer Fortum.
Authorities announced last month that they were tendering for projects to cover a five-year period from 2018 to 2022. Applications can be submitted from today until June 9. with the results expected to be announced before June 30.
Fortum has already registered to deliver up to 1.4GW of volume into the Russian market. which gives reason to expect the intention to participate in the tender for this volume. according to the Russian Association of Wind Power Industry.
It can be assumed that the remaining 500MW can be divided between potential market participants. the association said.
Fortum announced last month that is partnering with Russian state-owned company Rusnano to develop about 500MW of wind power in the country. supported by capacity payments.
The Espoo-based utility will provide up to 15bn rubles (€240m) in equity to the joint venture. in which both partners will hold equal stakes.

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