Ukraine is ready to resume purchases of natural gas from Russia if it is cheap and if the signing of respective contracts is transparent. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said.
`What has happened in the past two years? We are energy independent. They [Russia] are knocking: can you take our gas? No. everything is fine in our country. If it`s cheap and fair. not corrupt. then please.` he said during his working trip to Odesa region on Thursday.
Poroshenko said that if the abovementioned conditions are met. the Ukrainian authorities are ready to take such a step `in order to reduce tariffs for our people.`
Explaining the presence among the demands of the Ukrainian side of the absence of a corruption component in a possible contract for natural gas supplies from Russia. the president noted that `for 20 years Ukraine has been… dependent on Russian gas.` And only through decisive actions. including in international courts. Ukraine managed to ensure energy independence and fair gas prices. he said.
Poroshenko recalled that Naftogaz Ukrainy had recently won a lawsuit against Russia`s Gazprom at the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce.