Iraq to Pay for Imported Iranian Gas in Euros

National Iranian Gas Company wants Iraq to pay for imported Iranian gas not in dinars. but in euros as reflected in the corresponding contract. said Iran Deputy Oil Minister for International Affairs Amirhossein Zamaninia.

He also spoke about the cooperation between Iran and Iraq in exploration and production. ILNA reported.

“Presidents of the two countries discussed this issue during their recent meeting. Oil ministers of Iran and Iraq signed a memorandum of understanding 1.5 year ago. Currently. the sides are working on the document.“ noted the deputy minister.

Zamaninia pointed out that sanctions waivers for eight countries have had a positive impact on Iran’s oil exports.

Behzad Babazadeh. the director of international affairs of the National Iranian Gas Company said that Iran will increase natural gas exports to the Iraqi capital. Baghdad. to 14 million cubic meters per day from the current 9 mcm d.

Iran began gas exports to Baghdad in June 2017 and the figure is to increase to 14 mcm d in the second year based on a deal reached by the two countries. he said.

Iran and Iraq. both members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). have signed a gas contract under which Iran will supply 6 mcm d of natural gas to Baghdad in the first year and 14 mcm d in the second year.

Exports were also expected to reach the 30 or 35 mcm d during the third year. he added.


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