The speed of renewable development is increasing

Based on SATBA’s public relations and international affairs office: Dr. Ardakanian emphasized at the opening ceremony of the 18th international Electricity Exhibition of Iran that according to the plans. 4000 MW of renewable power plants should be installed by the end of the 12th government. which more than a year has passed since the 12th government period. nearly 700 MW of renewable power plants have been installed. It is worth mentioning that out of 2000 MW of the signed contracts. a significant part is being operational.

He pointed out to the effects of currency fluctuations on the renewable energies development. which our colleagues are working on closely with the industry. trying to resolve the problems. thus. it is anticipated that the renewable development will quickly return to its preceding pace. According to this report. the Minister of Energy referred to the impact of sanctions on the renewable energy investments: We expect this issue would not have a significant impact on the renewable sector investment. but most of our attention is on domestic investment and we are putting emphasis on moving towards the development of small-scale renewable capacities.

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