How can Britain Green Its International Supply Chains?

A taskforce of leaders from businesses and environmental organisations met for the first time today to consider actions the UK can take to green its international supply chains.

The Global Resource Initiative (GRI) taskforce includes representatives from businesses including McDonald’s. Tesco and Legal &amp. General as well as environmental organisations like WWF. Green Finance Institute and NGO Forest Coalition.

They seek to identify ambitious actions to drive more resilient and sustainable food systems that avoid deforestation and environmental degradation overseas. while supporting jobs and livelihoods.

The organisations came together to discuss how the supply chain of key commodities. such as palm oil. soya and beef can be fully sustainable.

Sir Ian Cheshire. City financer and lead non-executive director of the government is to chair the independent taskforce.

Other organisations that are part of the taskforce are Unilever. BNP Paribas. Willis Towers Watson. Rabobank. Cargill. Olam. Sappi. World Economic Forum. FOLU and Chatham House.

The GRI is part of the commitment the government made in the 25-Year Environment Plan to leave a lighter footprint on the global environment.

Environment Minister Thérèse Coffey said: Ingredients in products we are consuming daily come from parts of the world where we are losing habitat. which impacts wildlife and climate change. Having a fully sustainable supply chain is vital for the planet.

I am pleased the UK is showing leadership on this global challenge. supported by leading businesses. investors and conservationists.

The government expects a report next year. ahead of key international biodiversity and climate summits.

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