SMEs Export Value of Products Hit $1.5bn in Seven Months

Deputy Managing Director of Iran Small Industries and Industrial Parks Organization (ISIPO) Asghar Masaheb said that Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) exported $1.5 billion worth of products in the first seven months of the current year (from March 21 to Oct. 22).

He made the remarks on Monday as he put the value of the products exported by SMEs in the first seven months of the last year (from March 21 to Oct. 22. 2018) at $

This volume of products was exported by 900 industrial and production units based in industrial parks. he added.

As compared to the same period of last year. the number of exporting companies has reduced this year due to the export restrictions but their export volume registered a hike. Masaheb added.

Some $ worth of products were exported by SMEs in the first half of the current year (from March 21 to Sept. 22). showing more than 30 percent hike as compared to the last year’s corresponding period.

Food products. home appliances. polymer and plastic materials. chemicals and leather products were of the main products exported by these companies in this period. he added.

Elsewhere in his remarks. he pointed to the knowledge-based companies and startups in industrial parks and put the number of knowledge-based firms in these parks at 312.

He further noted that ISIPO has thrown its weight behind knowledge-based companies and startups in three fields of infrastructure. development of technology. commercialization and market development.

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